Join Us in Celebrating Healthcare Technology Management Week

It’s Healthcare Technology Management Week! This annual event is a celebration to show our appreciation and raise awareness for the pivotal work of HTM professionals in healthcare facilities across the globe.

HTM professionals are committed to the service, maintenance, and management of healthcare technologies, but the changing nature of the healthcare industry is continuously expanding their scope of responsibilities. Not only do they acquire, install, maintain, and train healthcare facility staff on the latest medical technology, but they are also at the forefront of patient safety, equipment performance, and cybersecurity efforts.

From all of us at Avante Health Solutions: We appreciate you!

Every day, Avante Health Solutions has the privilege to work alongside clinical engineers, biomeds, and other HTM professionals in the field. You have an integral role in the modern healthcare landscape. We see your hard work, dedication, and passion to maintain critical, life-saving equipment. And for that, we thank you!


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