Avante Oncology Services vs. OEM

There's A Difference In Cost, And A Bigger Difference In Service

All things being equal, relying on the Original Equipment Manufacturer for service and maintenance seems to make sense — but all things are not equal! In fact, working with Oncology Services International offers distinct advantages over OEMs in every aspect of service, including:


Like all OEMs, those in our industry charge a hefty premium for their service. Avante Oncology Services service costs far less and we offer much more – including a variety of plans that can limit your costs, manage or eliminate risk and protect your practice from unforeseen expenses.


Original Equipment Manufacturers are first and foremost manufacturers – while they may service what they sell, it is not the focus of their business. Service is the focus of ours.

Response Time

Our service is available 24/7 – we respond to your needs within minutes. If on-site work is required, we can provide most clinics with an Avante technician within two hours.


The Avante service force has designated specialists for specific brands and devices. Our service engineers have received OEM factory training directly from Varian, Elekta, Siemens and other manufacturers. Additionally, we provide our own service training on live equipment at our radiation test cell.

Single Source Service

If you have multiple brands of oncology equipment – one company, one contact can take care of all your service and maintenance needs. When it comes to servicing radiation therapy equipment, it all comes down to this:

Important Benefit Avante OEM Ordinary Independent Did you know Avante has:
99% Uptime Guarantee Industry leading guarantees; up to 99%
Multi-brand coverage Experience with Varian, Elekta, Siemens
Certified tested pre-owned parts Thousands of certified and tested parts
Cost effective pricing ? Value leadership
Precision Certified refurbished equipment ? Cost effective options for new equipment
Scale and support 50+ FSE's Largest independent service organization; 50+ engineers
Services more than 200 machines Coast to coast coverage
Ongoing hands-on factory training Only independent with its own test/training bunker
OEM factory training ? Many factory trained FSE's and years of experience
Ongoing FSE education and testing Avante Academy including online and hands on training
Problem escalation resources Depth of resources and brand experts
Regulatory compliance ? Voluntarily ISO 9001 Certified since 2009
New OEM parts Same day/Next day delivery from parts distribution center
25 + Years of experience ? OSI founded 1985
Pre-installation equipment testing Only independent with factory test bunker

Discovering Options to OEM

In today's healthcare environment, providers are increasingly concerned about both cost and quality of capital investments, and rightly so. Service and maintenance, while unavoidable, can be expensive.

How can state-of-the-art healthcare providers be sure their medical equipment is reliable and sustainable, and can produce the best possible outcomes now and in the future?

In general, manufacturer-provided (OEM) service is costlier and less responsive than ever before.1 Additionally, OEMs are quick to claim that only they can properly provide post-warranty service. In some instances, they may even bundle products and upgrades to seemingly hold you hostage to their service.

What can you do to evaluate alternatives?

What are the key issues you need to consider when selecting a service partner and how can you be sure you're getting the best value?

Best value in service is frequently defined by reputation and response time from your service provider. But you're not really buying service – you're buying uptime and performance. After all, that's how you will deliver the best patient care. You need assurance that your investment is maintained in the best condition possible and that you're getting the best value possible.

First, let's look at what you need to consider before you buy:

Quality, sustainability and total cost of ownership (TCO) throughout the life of your equipment.

Looking for something in particular?

Call: (800) 445-1645

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